Enjoy a Free Trial of Kindergarten, Week One

Weeks 1-4 cover foundational pre-literature phonological awareness development - Phonics sounds and letters begin in Week 4

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I have implemented this approach to teaching reading for over nine years. This has given me time to analyse what works well and to create a highly effective series of learning experiences. I know this approach works because the majority of students I taught, ended the year ‘Well Above’ expected outcomes. How was this measured? I used the internationally recognised reading assessment, DIBELS. You can find out more about this assessment here: https://dibels.uoregon.edu/dibels8

Every year

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Year 1
Every year

Aussie Readers Year 1 builds on the foundations laid in the Kindergarten course. Year 1 begins with revising previously taught sounds, letters, tricky words and sentence structure. Then, more complex code is clearly introduced and modelled, with ample opportunities for guided and independent practice, to enhance your child’s reading, spelling and writing abilities. Your child will also experience different genres of texts and will examine the purpose and features of each.

✓ 150 Animated Video Lessons
✓ 64 Decodable Readers
✓ All Worksheets
✓ Handwriting Formation Lessons and Book
✓ Quality Mentor Text Studies